by eVee NiteRess | May 20, 2021 | Stories
The transgender smile is an alluring smile. It is a seductive signal, a mysterious message, from an eclectic source. Ambiguity rings loud on a painted stage. I am reminded of the importance of a smile every time I visit the food hall in a shopping centre. “Buy my...
by eVee NiteRess | Oct 30, 2020 | Stories
Cosmetic Dentistry & Weight Management: Which Is Best To Have First, If For Now You Can Only Afford One? As much as they’re derided by the intelligentsia, cosmetic dental treatments, in the general public’s eyes, are not something unnecessary or...
by eVee NiteRess | Oct 15, 2020 | Stories
Teenagers reside within the physical realities of our species, as we all do, but, perhaps, they feel it more acutely due to their growing pains. Pains experienced both mentally, emotionally, and sometimes, physically. Teeth and bones hold many of our most ancient...
by eVee NiteRess | Oct 5, 2020 | Stories
One can talk up a storm about cosmetic surgery, but, in the end, it is the finished picture that tells the story with maximum impact. No amount of words will do justice to the oohs and aahs that a complete makeover can engender. Friends, family and loved ones are,...